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Making sense of change

The environment is evolving rapidly and often in unpredictable ways.


Analyses and assumptions underlying our strategies are constantly challenged by unexpected events or by new information driving us into apparent deadlocks.


These paradoxes cann’t be tackled with conventional problem solving, they require renewed sense-making. A process wherein we suspend the old framework of thinking and start reading the so said and felt polarities that we are sensing. These polarities must be leveraged for a renewed sense-making to be unfold.

We start by taking stock of those events that, due to their complexity or ambiguity, cannot be interpreted by the business logic 'as is'. With that input we step into a process of sense-making, i.e. training teams in this ability and by guiding them in their sense-making-activities.

A collective journey.


You cannot come to a common and shared sense-making on your own. Complex challenges require a blending of perspectives as input as well as the capacity to hold the space of uncertainty, ambiguity and not knowing. This ability demands a lot from teams in terms of vulnerability, open-dialogue, in admitting ignorance, ... and in transforming 'battles of perspectives' during discussions into a dialogue of ‘blending perspectives’.


In our experience, teams are asking to be trained in this and guided into action.

Sensemaking is the ability to really take in what is happening in the environment and to give meaning to it. It is giving meaning to what is initially experienced as disturbing noise. It is translating this noise with its meaningful signals into something we can act upon  adaptively. We guide your teams through a process of collective sense-making, helping them to navigate the waves to generate new meaning.

We help you...


We start by taking stock of those events that, due to their complexity or ambiguity, cannot be interpreted by the business logic 'as is'.  

With that input we step into a process of sense-making, i.e. training teams in this ability and by guiding them in their sense-making-activities.

Discuss the ideal way to begin your journey.


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